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Paula Dunham, RN
Dayton, OH-
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NMT is great!

I am an RN from Dayton, Ohio. I have a part-time practice which is 100% NMT. I have been practicing NMT since February, 2003. Prior to that, I practiced another form of vial-based energy medicine. I became very dissatisfied with the vial-based technique for several reasons.

First, for every seminar that I attended, I was told I “needed” approximately $1000 worth of vials to treat the topic of the seminar. The “required” vial list was extensive, and the catalog was endless. I felt I could only be as good a practitioner as the quantity of vials I owned. (Because I could only treat the substances for which I had vials.)

Secondly, if a patient had a known allergy, I could not treat this specifically until I had “balanced the body”, by performing 5-15 treatments. (You could only treat one substance per treatment.) It was difficult for me to tell a symptomatic patient to keep coming back, even though I wouldn’t address their problem for weeks.

Lastly, if my patients would hang in there for the many, many treatments necessary, the results they would have seemed to dissipate slightly after about 6 months. This was extremely frustrating for me, as well as the patients. I had to start over with their treatment sequence, testing each previously treated allergen one at a time. I began to lose faith in the technique.

I was very excited to hear about NMT, and although slightly skeptical at first, attended my first seminar, and have never looked back. (Or used another vial!) I have attended the comprehensive seminar twice, the advanced seminar twice, and recently an advanced symposium.

With NMT, my patients can see a difference in 1-3 sessions, with either immediate relief, or slow progress. I have not seen the relapses as before, and this is a technique I really believe in. I have personally seen cases of insomnia and respiratory allergies/asthma resolve in as little as one or two sessions. I have successfully treated a patient with an irregular heart beat and carpal tunnel syndrome, and a patient with a painful throbbing tooth that resolved in 2 sessions. She was able to cancel her root canal appointment! Patients with chronic conditions such as MCS, CFS, and depression I received at least 50% resolution. (Many even more!)

I would highly recommend NMT for any interested practitioner. The results seen are spectacular as compared to other forms of energy medicine. No one technique can help every person, but there is no comparison with NMT. The seminars are more expensive, but less expensive than if you have purchase vials. I have sold most of my vials to pay for my NMT training! You may begin practicing after the first comprehensive seminar, but just plan on attending the advanced, as well. It is so worth it! This technique is more difficult to learn as compared to “cookbook” type vial treatments, but after you have “rounded the learning curve”, it becomes second nature. In the process, you will receive a deeper understanding of yourself, and your relationship in the universe. It can be a total life transformation.

The other great thing about NMT is the ongoing support. In my previous technique, a 15 minute practitioner telephone consultation with the founder cost $100! With NMT, if you have a question, or a problem, you can post it to the web board, and you may have the response of many other practitioners, as well as Dr. Feinberg himself! The difference is amazing! If any interested practitioner has additional questions, please feel free to contact me for more information.

Paula Dunham, RN




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Copyright 2006. NMT.md, NMTseminars.com, NeuroModulationTechnique.com. P.O. Box 67 Hermiston, OR 97838. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Disclaimer: All material provided in the NMT website is provided for educational purposes only. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any information provided in this website to your symptoms or medical condition.