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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Deborah Frenette, C.Ht.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada-
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I'm able to eat without reactions

An interesting thing happened.... I went to a funeral... and of course that was very sad. However I had no reactions to anything such as I would have before... I didn't wear my gloves... I touched people and let them touch me... held hands with some people... shook hands with some. I cheek kissed people with my face in their hair product ...perfumes and aftershave... ( just the week earlier I had a visit from my grandchild and another baby. they kissed me and slobbered on me.. it burned me where the moisture touched my skin? ) and the flowers didn't bother me. I think that the problems with odours and touching are gone.

I just did this spontaneously... I didn't think about it...just did it... my daughter was with me... in obvious distress having seen first hand how I react to things that I am allergic to. My sons and my husband stood back and watched in amazement.

I think that it is a miracle in two ways: One because the reactions didn't happen... and since then I have done more experiments smelling flowers and other odours... going to the Bay and smelling and touching the perfume bottles. And two because I have been hugging and kissing people ... this is a big change in my behaviour... in all my life... I have not allowed any one to hug or kiss me for affectionate reasons except my husband and kids. and after they grew up not even them. I feel lighter and more buoyant.

And oh yes ... the other day I was shopping and all of sudden I felt my feet. It was the 1st time since just before I started seeing you... they still get too cold to feel but now there are times when they feel normal. Right now my feet are burning... they will be feeling normal in a little while...

I am having reactions to food still though... when I eat it... still limited in how much yogurt I am able to eat But I can touch food and handle it to cook for others again.

I have been to the grocery store and stood right next to the lilies that caused me huge shock reactions ... no reaction happened at all. (anaphalytic allergic reaction to lilies)

My grandson was here yesterday and he was eating. I picked him up before he was cleaned up and he got goo all over my face and hands along with slobber .no burning or reactions to it.

I feel more confidence that I will be able to eat without reactions again since this happened I did have hives yesterday, not bad; only lasted 2 hours

Thank you for helping me Phoebe, Toronto, March/07






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