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Toronto, Ontario

Deborah Frenette, C.Ht.
Toronto, Ontario-
click on Practitioner name to view contact information.

I am sold on NMT!

Since Deborah has begun treating me, I have had a number of chronic ailments restored to health. One major problem was chronic back pain. I never even expected this to be helped with these treatments and never asked Deborah to look at this. My back healed as a result of treating another chronic problem I suffered from, bladder infections. When Deborah identified a pathogen causing my bladder infection and treated me for it, my back pain also went away. I have experienced severe back pain for the last 20+ years. I have gone to chiropractors for the same length of time and I would receive short-term relief only with my constant adjustments. It is such a relief to not be in pain and to be able to enjoy any kind of chair to sit in. I have a soft feather couch at home I never sat on. I would sit on a firm wooden chair. Now I pile the pillows into the corner of the couch and lay back and enjoy a long movie and my back does not trouble me, as it would have in the past. Simple pleasures can be luxurious. I can also shovel the driveway and lift a box of office supplies and not put my back out. I am excited about these therapeutic techniques and recommend them to my friends, family and colleagues.

Rebecca, February 5, 2003, Toronto, Ontario


  Great success with NMT

Rebecca has had great success with NMT, and has in addition, resolved many allergies!




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Copyright 2006. NMT.md, NMTseminars.com, NeuroModulationTechnique.com. P.O. Box 67 Hermiston, OR 97838. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Disclaimer: All material provided in the NMT website is provided for educational purposes only. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any information provided in this website to your symptoms or medical condition.